IMAX Screen Open Notifier

[Toy] Create bots that send slack notifications when the theaters begin to book.
July 05, 2017
Python, HTML, Slack API, HTML parse

Vim-korDic Plugin

[Toy] The vim plugin is a program that translates English words into Korean.
May 26, 2016
Python, Vim, vim-nox, HTML parse

Building Debian APT Server

[Penta] Building Debian APT Server.
May 01, 2016
Debian, Bash, APT, aptly

Upgrade the base kernel of the Web Firewall

[Penta] Upgrading the Debian-based kernel.
February 01, 2016
Debian, Kernel, C, Quilt

Windows 7 Client Development for VPN

[Ento] Develop a client to connect to a VPN server.
June 08, 2011
C#, DLL, HSSP, .NetFramework, UAC